I spent most of this weekend reading for other people, something I enjoy doing and I’m getting better at.
The first thing on my list was a short novel by Adam J Whitlatch, an expansion of his “Weller” short story. This is the 2nd full-length novel I’ve read for Adam. They’re both shaping up nicely.
The other piece is a 10,000 word sample from Catherine Schaff Stump who wrote a wonderful little book called Hulk Hercules Professional Wrestler. We are going to workshop one another’s pieces during Paradise ICON, a workshop which runs concurrent to my local Science Fiction convention.
Now, I just have to find time for my own work.
I’m not very good at beta-reading; I’ve tried my hand at it, but I guess I’m better either at overall evaluations like reviews, or the nitpicky stuff like editing. “Hulk Hercules” looks cute – does she plan to put out an ebook?
For beta-reading, I just read like I bought it for my own enjoyment. When something doesn’t work for me, I highlight in on my kindle and then leave a short reminder for when I type up the notes. I sent Adam 6 pages of notes, but many of the notes were “you don’t need this word,” “did you think of adding this,” or “rewrite this paragraph to show X better.” I worry more about what I feel than getting everything perfect.
I’m not sure about an ebook of HH. I think there would probably be one by now if it were in the works.