I am alive, and so is my book.

Hi everybody.

I’ve meant to write something her for almost a week now. Whenever I try, I get sidetracked. I took a couple weeks off at the end of Camp Nanowrimo, and after my staycation, I’ve returned to work and discovered just how stressful my job can be.

The new novel, FANGS FOR NOTHING, is all ready to go. Things have been hung up at the cover design stage. It has an ISBN, and you can even order it on Barnes and Noble. Hopefully, I’ll see something soon.

On a personal note, I’m taking a brief break from writing. I’ve been working my tail off for years now, and using my vacation time to get more writing in. Don’t worry, I will be coming back with a vengeance, or with aplomb if you prefer. I’m just charging up my batteries.

2 thoughts on “I am alive, and so is my book.

  1. Katy Sozaeva

    AUGH! I meant to get “Fangs for Nothing” read before you put it up, but haven’t had a chance! This weekend I’m clearing out some of my dozens of Vine books, so maybe next? Hopefully? Don’t take too much of a vacation from writing – the more stuff you have out there, the more people will buy! (or so they say) More importantly, we – your loyal fans – want more! 😉

    1. shannon Post author

      I’m glad you want more.

      I actually have five book-length projects beyond the first draft stages. I just need to become more effective at re-drafting.


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