I never imagined writing would be taxing on my body, but between working on my stories and working at a keyboard all day long, I experience a good amount of wrist pain in addition to the mental burn-out. I can only imagine this is an indicator that I should slow down in doing one activity or the other. At the moment the computer work is the more lucrative, so I’m going to have to slow down a little on my novel.
Actually, this might be a good opportunity. I have been lax in my second job as a writer, being a good reader. On the non-fiction side, I’m still working on Immediate Fiction by Jerry Cleaver. And, for fiction, I’ve been wanting to read The Exodus Gate by Stephen Zimmer, who I met this year at Demicon.
Even with all this cool stuff to work on, I hate to lose momentum on the current novel. Maybe I should take some time off from work.